Robin Edward Trudel

Robin Edward Trudel got his start in woodcarving when a co-worker gave him a carving knife and encouraged him to carve a mushroom. Shortly after completing his first piece, he discovered and joined the New England Wood Carvers ( His boundless enthusiasm soon found him volunteering for the organization and eventually serving as president for three years.       

Robin was a contributing author to Carving Magazine (, and was invited to write an article on introducing carving to children, the result caught the eye of Linden publishing who has helped Robin to develop books on woodcarving specifically for children.

Robin's Pine Tree Studios is nestled among the hills and forests of Northern Massachusetts. The lumbermill that supplies the locally sawn wood for most projects is only a few minutes away in New Hampshire. Walking among the tree trunks and fresh sawn lumber provides inspiration for uniquely sculpted pieces.

He is author of "Carving for Kids: An Introduction to Woodcarving", "Schnitzen für Kinder", "Easy Carving Projects for Kids" and most recently "Let's Carve" which is scheduled for publication late 2021.

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