Sudha Balagopal

Author Sudha Balagopal's fiction straddles continents and cultures, blending thoughts and ideas from the east and the west. Her highly commended novella in flash, Things I Can't Tell Amma, was published by Ad Hoc Fiction in 2021. She is the author of a novel, A New Dawn, and two short story collections, There are Seven Notes and Missing and Other Stories. Her collection of flash fiction is forthcoming from Alternating Current Press in April 2024.

Her shorter pieces appear in CRAFT, Smokelong and Split Lip among other journals. Nominated for several awards, her work is published in Best Microfiction 2021, 2022 and Best Small Fictions, 2022, 2023. Recently, her story won the CRAFT Amelia Gray 2K contest. When she’s not writing, she teaches yoga.

Sudha Balagopal @ Arts Saturdays:

Sudha Balagopal's Interview:

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