Alice Fogel

Poet Alice Fogel - Alice B Fogel is the previous New Hampshire poet laureate (2014-2019). She is the author of 5 poetry collections, including Interval: Poems Based on Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”which won the N. Schaffner Award for Music in Literature and the NH Literary Award. Another poetry book, Nothing But: a series of indirect considerations on art & consciousness, is forthcoming in fall of 2021, and she is also the author of Strange Terrain, on how to appreciate poetry without necessarily “getting” it. Among other awards, Alice has been given a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Best American Poetry. She teaches reading and writing workshops in a wide range of areas, works one-on-one with students with learning differences at Landmark College, and hikes mountains whenever possible.

Alice Fogel @ Arts Saturdays:

Alice Fogel's Interview:

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